-How has your persistence and engagement in these habits pushed you to further resolve the questions, tools, methods, etc as discussed in your previous post?
-How have these habits pushed you to further develop your artistic practice in general as well as your understanding of value (employing shadow and light to represent 3-D form)?
b. Compare and Contrast your work in the darkroom and your work on the drawing.
-Which medium felt more comfortable? Why?
-Which medium allowed you more opportunity for "expression"? How?
-How might you better improve your experience and/or results with each of the mediums in the future?
I felt more comfortable in the darkroom because photography comes more naturally to me. I really enjoyed experimenting with different apertures to make each photograph different. I definitely think the darkroom allowed me to be more expressive because there are so many controls (timing, aperture, filter) that can differ each photograph from each other. I was able to try many different values until I found the right one. Although being very challenging, using the filter was very helpful. I think it is all about time in the darkroom. I only got to spend two days to make my photograph, which I think was not very long. If I had more time, I feel like I would be able to perfect my photograph. But also, I think that it is also about experimenting different things because each time you do it, the results will change. For drawing, I think I would want to be more detailed next time. This time, I mainly focused on the basic shapes, values, etc. But I think my drawing would have benefitted from me focusing on certain areas to add detail, and also make the lights lighter and darks darker.