Value is certain degrees of lightness and darkness. It can be shown through the technique of shading, hard for darker and light for a lighter shade. It's a great technique to use because it adds a 3D effect to the artwork. Value depends on where the light source is.
Which photo is most evocative? Which photo is most exemplary of the value scale? What will you be looking for to capture in your value scales?
The most evocative photo would be the first one with the flower. It evokes a mysterious and unique feeling because half of the glasses is cut off and the flower is coming from the left side. Also, the focus is on the middle of glasses, so it adds a blurry depth of field, which is really interesting to look at. The picture that is most exemplary of the value scale is the second picture because it has a dark, almost black, part in the middle and then it blurs into a white in the background. I also think this picture is really interesting because I photographed it at a weird angle, which focused on the left part of the bell and the right part faded out into the leaves. I will be looking to capture a wide range of values because I think that makes the most interesting photo. Having a photo be one shade of white or black is really dull and boring. I want to have many varied shades of white and black.
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